I’m looking for some help modelling the top dome of the Star Trek Enterprise. I tried extruding from the top of the saucer but that produced some ugly geometry. I now built the dome profile in the X and Y directions but cant figure out a way to make good geometry on the surface that I show in green, Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.
3D surface with 3D gradient!
might try to adjust it using a nurbs surface and work with control points till you get something smooth and nice
happy bl
I would start in 2d to define the major edge loops of the topology. Then use proportional editing and extrusions to get the basic shape. Bridge the gaps in the surface and refine the shape, adding supporting edges where required.
O.K. I knocked this together really quickly, there’s a few ways you can go about this. You could use a combination of a polysphere and cylinder to allow for finer detail like the rings visible on the deck.
Depending what lengths you want to go to, you can then use edge-creases to keep the corners sharp until your satisfied with the model and then gradually increase the mesh density until you can start booleon-opping details or cutting in observatory windows and the such…
Here’s an image and my file, hope you find this post useful.
Download the model here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7741113/3D/USS_Bridge.obj