I am trying to create a terrain and the sea. I have used ocean modifier to create the sea. I got stuck with one problem.
I got ugly, black shadow on the sea shore line, just in between the sea plate and the terrain on render. Like on the picture below.
Your attachment is invalid, maybe try again? You can disable shadows from being cast by the ocean object by going to the properties editor -> object context -> cycles settings panel -> and deselecting the shadow toggle button. (see image).
I don’t think this is the problem with the shader. Seems like there is a gap between the plates, but it should not be there, because the plates are overlapping each other pretty much. Can the geometry make this problem? I would rather to use Blender Render instead of Cycles.
Perhaps you have ‘doubles’. Highlight all the vertices in the mesh and press ‘W’ and select ‘remove doubles’. Intersecting geometry can also cause strange artifacts like this, but it isn’t usually so very black. Is there any chance you accidentally assigned another material to the mesh?