Modeling tips and tricks from the pros.

Yes thats right, I’m still alive and yes; Mark’s sister is still hot. So anyways, back to the point, I’ve got a little sum for you guys. It’s a model based off the game Halo and they’ve got some pretty experienced 3d modelers who made a replica of a spaceship, well cruiser if you wanna get specific (Halcyon class if you wanna be annoying). They have some nifty tid bits of info, anybody who likes 3d models will enjoy.

The Original Thread:

The Maker’s Discussions:

The Pretty Pix:

Note: The 2nd and 3rd link is from Halo.Bungie.Org who consolidated the info.
Thanks: HBO for hosting all the goodness and infinityloop for making the model.

I like it.
Kothe, did you see that? Now you can make your cool spaceship :]