
Hello guys hope your doing good, i was wondering how we can do these gradient edges in modeling not normal map.

@Lem_men Do you mean the faceting around the lower half?

If so, my suggestion would be to create a cylinder with the number of faces you want around the base and add a sub-surf modifier.

To prevent the sub-surf from destroying the places you want definition, add edge loops around the circumference to define the middle of the body, and to create your top and bottom rims. Then, either use creasing/sharpening of the lower edges or pull them out a very small amount, or both. You may even bevel these vertical edges before augmenting their lower-middle portions.

the edges how they are being faded i want to replicate this kind of effect

Create the bottom section.
Create a cylinder with the same number of segments for the top section.
Brigde between the two.


Or start with a cyclinder, hide the top, select the rest, checker deselect, resize, unhide all, add some extrusions and subsurf…


thank you so much for your time!

@Lem_men Is this close?

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thank you so much for your time ! i appreciate that <3

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