Modelling Coffee beans

I want to model some coffee beans. Any Idea how to start? I’ve got no idea :stuck_out_tongue:


First thing your going to want to do is get a picture of what your modeling. Use google images or take your own, just make sure its showing all the detail.

Seeing that the beans are somewhat round, you might want to start with half a sphere. Then just fine tune the details and add some texture for a more photo-realistic render.

Here is a little tutorial in pictures, almost step by step. (Bleh! BA reduced my big picture and made an ugly mess of it.)

And the result:

That’s a good start, IMHO. It’s up to you to make it look less geometric with the help of Google Images as GoldenBlueBerry suggests.

Awesome man! It will do the start ^^ Thanks a lot. And thanks to GoldenBlueBerry too. Actually I’m new in blender, so can’t get my imaginations far in it yet :smiley: