Modelling issue - need help please!

I’ve being following a course on how to create a human face but when I switched to rendered view, I noticed a small error/mistake. The problem is, I don’t know how to fix it. I tried grabbing the edge and pulling it out with G but it won’t move. The edge loops in a circle and is actually conected to the edge on the right of the picture, it’s just out of view (and it’s a bastard to get in there and view it save for Wireframe) I’ve included some pictures and can obviously take more if it’d help.

If this is in the wrong section, I apolgise.

Try to include the file so people can dissect and diagnose the issue better.

It’s impossible to tell from those pics alone. I suspect you have a vertex connected to a far away vertex through the inside of the object. Try hiding a bunch of those faces and see what lurks beneath.

Apologies, I didn’t even consider that.!AhXHLFJ1jZuUpQOnoaL3SXCkkRJG

where on the mesh is the rouge vertice?

The problem is you have magnetic option selected. Turn off like in image.

Then you can move the vertices freely

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sighs of course it’s something basic…

thank you Pixelurge. I’ve sorted the issue now by simply pulling the edge out a bit. Thanks again!

No problem!