Modelling Jam 01 - Iconic Movie Car - Join in

Nope, TM, it’s its default setting - I’ve never changed any key bindings.

Looking at Blender, now it’s stopped rendering I can, W Key > it’s called Inset Faces, I Key

I found it in the faces menu in 2.63a, ctrl _F. Also found this:
In the 2.64 release candidate it’s hooked up to the I key. It’s likely based on this script:
I assume.

Thanks for the graphic, Writer’s Block. I haven’t used loop tools addon in a while, I used it before alot for the bridge function. I didn’t know it had a circle function, since blender has that built in already, more or less. Shift-Alt-S for ‘to sphere’ function. Loop tools isn’t included with 2.63a so I can’t say how different the functions are.

And thanks for the pic where you circled the problem with my trunk, but no, there aren’t duplicated or extra faces there. That was the result of too many loop cuts to tighten up the edges on the portion I indented. Yet, in edit mode, all the edgeloops looked fine and not really out of place enough to add those bumps to the mesh. That’s when I discovered switch the subsurf modifier over to simple subdiv will show you a more basic version of your mesh to see what areas are out of whack to allow you to adjust them. It’s a shame I’ve deleted all the failed attempts after I figured it out, so I can’t really show you the extreme bumps and problems I had.

I’ve reworked a bit of it, and I’ll sharpen up a few things tonight, then post some renders in the morning for feedback.

Thanks for all the tips,

I should have mentioned I use buildbot builds; mingw64 for preference as faster and as the solved the bug they are not crashing on rendering any more.

The new looptools addon is awesome; I’d recommend searching the site and getting the most recent update. The gstretch option looks interesting although not tried as yet.

Well… It’s time for an update:

I thought it was finished then decided the HDI was contributing anything; it’s great for lighting, but otherwise…

So the next part of the project is designing and implementing the background - basically substituting something in place of the gradient. Now, I like this idea as I like to try something different between cars, so when this is finished…

Woohoo car modelling again. :slight_smile:

A wire render as TM will likely demand one; a clay render as I think they are a tremendously important tool. Basically, the shadows cast in clay renders allows for one to spot all sorts of irritating problems /nod. :spin:


Tips on producing better blood would be good /nod.

@Writer’s Block have you unwrapped your car yet because the car needs some textures to fit in the environment more. It looking pretty cool so far. Is that a morris mini in the background?

What did you have in mind? /acts suspicious.

Yes. My first car and the only one suitable for what I had in mind. I just slapped a new mat on it; it’s way better than the M5 I did, although not short of errors; they don’t show here though.

I’ve been working on this slowly but i don’t think I’ll be able to finish in time. I should have more time when I go back to uni, or possibly less.
Image here
I was wondering would it be okay if I turn this into a police version of Eleanor?

Sure, it’s your car - take it where you want. Those lines look nice and clean.

Not much of an update, but I’ve done the first (quick) clay render.

Also, I’ve realised I’m gonna have to give a lot of time to my studies, so I’m going to skip to the texturing part very soon, which is all what I was in this workshop for initially.

Updates since this render include better shutline spacing, and misc bolts. Next update should conclude modeling.

Photo References

Still to do:

  • More Nuts, bolts and rivets.
  • Windshield wiper
  • The plastic sheet on the headlights held together with tape.
  • Basic interior
  • Transaxle, suspension,exhaust,etc
  • Brake disks, calipers
  • Tail lights


Nice model; it looks very good, so I don’t think it would be wasted to spend time getting good shaders and textures. :slight_smile:

hmmm… not done yet but struggling to get reasonable basic renders… if i use cycles i just get a grainy mess… is there a quick run through tutorial to get better results?

also how do i do a clay render?

post a pic as this would help as understand what is going on, to get rid of the graininess with cycles you need to use more render samples. It uses a monte carlo integrator so to halve the noise you need 4 times as many samples as what you rendered to. if you render to 500 samples and you want halve the noise than you need to render to 2000 samples.

For a clay render you just need to pick one object and create a clay shader for it. a simple grey/white diffuse node is all you need. On the properties panel render context go to the scenes plane on the material drop down select you clay material. this will override all materials in a scene and replace them with you clay shader and render away.

for a clay render you don’t so many bounces so you could bring that down to about max 3/ min 1

The start of my engine for the old Coupe. While far from accurate, it is based on the Ford 390 Big block. It will have the ‘Six Pack’ carb and intake combo on it, much like my buddies buggy years ago.

I ran into a block on the body of the car and decided I will leave it as is for now and continue with the rest. I can always go back and fix it up as my skills improve (I hope).


total noob when it comes to compositor etc as generally don’t get that far! Lol…

In a nut-shell… Good results take time to render.

Clay renders in BI are as good and much faster imo. It’s what I use until I’m actually ready to start doing the mats. Under Cycles, if you look on the render panel at the top, there is an option to enable clay rendering: check the box, and uncheck as needed.

Looking forward to seeing the engine, Kernal_Sanderz. :slight_smile:

Thanks, slowly poking away at it…doubt I will ever finish texturing…I have a lot to learn with that.

I dont have the clay option in the render panel…using 2.63. I see a bunch of check boxes under Scene>Render layers>RenderLayer…but nothing mentioning clay rendering.

download latest build…

Seriously, waiting for official releases misses out so much cool new stuff. Just back up files often. :slight_smile: Oh and MingW64 is much quicker if you use w7 64.

@Shugs81 there is no compositing involved in the way I render clay renders.

the say a picture says a thousand words.

now to break down my original post.
this is for 2.63a trunk

  1. you need to create a diffuse clay material like I have done and give it a good clay colour.

  2. now on your properties panel, render context the little yellow highlighted box

  3. set your render samples, the more samples you use the cleaner your image will be but the longer it will take to render. you need 4 times the number of samples to halve the noise of what your current sample setting gives you.

  4. set the number of bounces you need for a clay diffuse material you don’t need more than 3 max bounces. I usually set this to 3 max 1 min

  5. on the layers panel make sure the materials box is set to clay, or whatever you called your clay material. This will assign your clay material to all your objects regardless of what material they have.

If you want to do a normal render you need to remember to remove clay from the material field in the layer panel and considering cars have reflective paints and glass your max and min bounces will have to be increased

cheers for that! will give it a trying and post some results… I’m also trying to work out how to subsurf the cab… didn’t think it needed it but I was messing around and think it may need it… if only I can work out how to brace the holes… hmmmm

Huh! Brace the holes?

Ahh you mean, sharpen 'em? Post the blend if you like. Texturing a building atm and I need a change. :stuck_out_tongue: