Modelling Jam 01 - Iconic Movie Car - Join in

thats not a good idea is it?[/QUOTE]

Well I have to say that they are a must for getting the right major shapes and proportions, but don’t rely on them for much more than that unless you manage to find very good blueprints or at least better than the one’s I’ve had experience with. For my jeep, for example, I’ve already had to ditch the front view blueprints since it was wrong (compared to the always legit photographic reference) and then those discrepancies get distracting when you’re trying to eye-in the correct shape.

A couple more timelapses below. The front grill got to a quite advanced state already, more than I would normally do at this stage, but

  1. its shape on the top right corner would decide the shape of the front of the hood (since the blueprint was wrong);
  2. the blueprint was also wrong on the position of the headlights, so I decided to tackle that problem right ahead since I knew it could become a topology headache (meaning, it would be pointless to just do the outline of the grill and then have to redo it when I started detailing it, which could lead to laziness in trying to adapt the topology to what I had instead of just doing it right);
  3. well I got carried away :slight_smile:

Note that I didn’t go as far as giving it depth and headlight sockets and all that - I’m certain it will still require some tweaking so I’d rather do those things when I’m sure it won’t change much.

A couple of stupid mistakes half way through when doing the vents, I had to think “what the heck am I doing?”, stand up and sit back down to do it right :slight_smile: Some of it may require a redo (I’m not too happy with the density in the lower right corner for example), but since it will be a completely flat surface aside from the bend in the middle it won’t be too much of a problem.

The hood was almost just correcting the shape I had previously, now it matches the reference but doesn’t have detail nor final topology.


@TrueDeath welcome to blenderartist and good start but post wire-frames not smooth shaded models at this stage. People need to comment and critique so smooth shaded models are not at all helpful.

I am also with peter18 on this a bit, I know some of the cars on that list will have no blueprints or terrible ones but that is not the case with Doc brown’s car or the dmc 12 base model a quick google search turns up plenty of blueprints. I would advise you use blueprints if you are going for a realistic car or still learning to model.

Good tip for those starting out -especially if newish to modelling in general.

Just wanted to say (because I may not be the only one) that if you are using blueprints as background images make sure load UI is ticked or it won’t load them back into blender when you reopen the file. It’s usually ticked by default but I turned it off and ended up having my blueprints reset.

This seems like some fun. I was thinking I would take a crack at the Interceptor from Mad Max. I’m glad I checked your list, saved me the time of actually figuring what that car was before the movie guys got their hands on it.

4 more quick timelapses, making good progress :slight_smile: Flat surfaces are really forgiving in terms of topology… but still I aim to keep it clean:

04 Organizing (1m04s):
05 Front wheel well (2m04s):
06 Main body Part I (3m58s):
07 Main body Part II (1m03s):

Tomorrow I expect to finish this second stage of detail and give depth to the body (not to the more tweak-prone areas like the grill and hood), and then start working on the next level of detail (separating the trunk door, its indentation, the indentation on the windshield base for the hinges, the fenders, stuff like that).

Im in! Im still looking around for an iconic movie car that appeals to me. I want something very sleek but also creative and far fetched… any suggestions?

I looked up this list for iconic movie cars.

I’m modeling the Porsche 917K from the 1971 movie Le Mans, in which it was driven by Steve McQueen. It is also the 1970 and '71 Le Mans winner.

This car was not designed to look pretty, so its going to be a challenge to bring in the imperfections in the bodywork. Lots of texturing opportunities, which is why I chose this car.

Not much to show right now, because I’ve been without much power for 3 days.


Nooooooooooo… I just spotted this thread and instantly thought of that… but if you’re doing it then I may have to try for the 6000 SUX from robocop! if i can find the right references… :smiley:

I’m in too. Car from christine; christine is a Plymouth Belvedere or Fury and referred to as a fury in the film, with both cars being used. Yet many consider the car as a Belvedere - so a little ambiguity. I aim to model the Belvedere.

Ahhh, the good ol’ spline cage (but without the splines). :cool:

Basic Shape blocked out - I think. :slight_smile: Will spend a little more time checking before moving on.

@Fax those timelapse are fun to watch, your jeep is coming along nicely at this stage. Don’t forget to post a few pics as well

@DonCrone thanks for joining in. Sleek cars, the Audi from I-robot and the Lexus from Minority Report come to mind here.

@GodOfBigThings Nice choice man, if you can get it too look as dirty and grimey as it looks in that pic it will be quiet something.

@shugs81 can’t wait

@writer’s Block interesting pick would be awesome if someone picked the trucks from maximum overdrive as well

I stopped playing with dynamic topology long enough to finish my base mesh. Its not perfect in some places but it will do. I am trying out a some nice methods so the eagle eyed will spot the ngons by the wheel well. the should disappear along with the triangles when I apply the sub-d modifier.

I will start the detailing phase this Friday, Fax has inspired me a bit I think I will try and record a timelapse.


As a base it looks fine. :stuck_out_tongue:

Magnum’s Ferrari, great idea!!! I’ve been really, really, busy the past two days…

HAHAHAHA!!! That’s actually from Tyrant Monkey’s last workshop :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I’m doing the Mini Cooper from the Italian Job. Here’s my work so far:

I have two 5-poles circled in green, they don’t seem to be causing any problems, so I probably won’t be doing anything with them. The one circled in yellow is causing problems:

So I’ll be working on that tonight after work. I’ll also be commenting on some of the works thus far. One quick comment:

@DonCrone - First cars that came to my mind was the ones in Tron:Legacy…



You might have too much geometry, too soon. The more you have, the more difficult it is to correct issues; have you started the rear yet? Looks good though. :slight_smile:

I’ve found it’s also a good idea to hold off on some geom and details until after seperating the mesh into panels.

I take it you’ll be using the 1 Subdivison method?

Really? Nobody’s going to do the 1959 Cadillac Meteor from Ghostbusters?

Ah this is heating up, awesome :slight_smile: Really looking forward to seeing everyone’s work!

Go for it! Honestly if I hadn’t gone for “easy to model, more time to texture” with the jeep or the A-Team truck, that Meteor would have been my pick. Really hope someone else does take it, might as well be you natman95 :slight_smile:

Ok, started some “medium detailing”, that second layer of details before the hard-core ones start :wink: Longer timelapses too.

This link will take you to the playlist I set up that plays all the videos in order, starting on video 08:

For individual links:

08, Medium detailing Part I (6m40s):
09, Part II (9m34s):
10, Part III (7m55s):

Going well so far!

(the photo above represents an only very slightly different modding of the car I’m doing. Can’t find hi-res shots of Macgyver’s, for obvious reasons. Anyway the major difference (aside from the paint job and tiny moddings like the stuff on the rim of the trunk) is the side bars on the roll bar, his only has what I already modeled)

Topology guys, here’s a question: as you can see I’m getting away with a lot because of the flat surfaces (check out the side of the car). Am I right to assume that I can indeed get away with no extra loops through the middle or will that somehow come back to bite me in the butt (say, when texturing or rendering)?

Keep it up guys!

Hey tyrant, is that Mr. Incredibles car i see? And if I can find the time I might do the mystery machince, unless I find something else that peaks my interest lol!