What does it mean, and how do I fix it (without switching to solid viewport shading).
There are no materials and no UVs set on the white models as well as the non-white models.
What does it mean, and how do I fix it (without switching to solid viewport shading).
There are no materials and no UVs set on the white models as well as the non-white models.
Multitexture is probably turned on. In 2.5, you need to go to the main 3d view, and press “n” to bring up a menu on the right. Look for the expandible tab called “Display”. Open that up, and change the dropdown (under “Shading:”) to GLSL. (make sure you have lights in your scene)
Sorry, I don’t think I was clear.
I don’t want to use GLSL shading.
Instead of displaying white, I want them to look like the rest of the models. Also, what does the white mean?
could it be that your in vertex paint mode???
I’m not in vertex paint mode. I am in object mode. The viewport shading is set to “textured”
Lights in the scene could be making them appear white, change shading from textured mode to solid mode and see if that does it. If not, we need more information as to why these objects appear that way, and an example of your scene may be needed such as your .blend to see all of your settings.