Somehow all my models went black (seemed to happen after i accidentally used subsurf crease) and now won’t shade in object mode (textured or shaded draw type)
seems like all objects with the same material went black at the same time and UNDO didn’t fix the problem
Can you post the blend file?
To get some shading you would need some lamps.
Waternz: did you read the post? it was shading fine, then it stopped, there are plenty of lamps and it renders fine, it just doesn’t shade in the 3d view
hm this problem seems to have randomly solved itself.
Yes I did. I added a light to the missile layer and it shaded fine.
Reopened the file just now, added layer 2, created cube, as soon as I moved the cube the shading kicked in.
well thanks for your help. I guess i’ll just have to hope it doesn’t happen again? shrug