Modern Design

Just made this scene in about 2 days, but the lighting doens’t feels good.
Does anyone have some suggestions?

Reference image:

I agree the lighting is not right. It’s like the florescent lights are glowing but produce no effective light. If you add a little environmental lighting that might help a bit. Also maybe don’t make so many thing reflective? Do the legs of the table need to be mirrored?

The modeling of the wall bar thing looks a little pinched on the right. Tv’s don’t have white screens. Are the lamp shades (specifically the one on the right) connected to the poles? Interesting shape for the chairs/loveseat/sofa. Not real keen on the color. Kind of looks like spandex over foam rubber. Perhaps adding so wrinkles to the spandex or making the cushions a little puffier?

All and all great job!

Need more diffuse lighting. Looking @ your reference there is a “sun” source from the right wall. You need some evironment lighting coming from the right / behind the camera as well. That should get you closer to feeling right.

All thank for your suggestions.
I fixed:

  • the wall bar pinched side
  • the tv (I thought of making a noisy screen, but that didn’t worked)
  • the seat color
  • added some wrinkles to the seats
  • changed the lighting

and the shades are connected to the poles.

New upload

I definitely like it a lot better now, but the blender logo on the wall seems really stretched. I think you should either make it longer or shorter (Pretty minor, great job otherwise :slight_smile: )