Hi all,
this is my latest arch viz project i did for a client in Belgrade, Serbia.
Rendered with Cycles.
Post Work with GIMP and Darktable.
LInux Mint Cinnamon 19.1 Tessa as OS.
Hi all,
this is my latest arch viz project i did for a client in Belgrade, Serbia.
Rendered with Cycles.
Post Work with GIMP and Darktable.
LInux Mint Cinnamon 19.1 Tessa as OS.
Great work.
When I try to make this kind of render I always have too much trouble in using vegetation without having too much geometry.
Can you elaborate on your workflow regarding vegetation?
Hi, i have some CGAxis models of vegetation that I dostributed with Particle System and some of them I placed manually. Grass is Free Low Poly Grass add on. I think it is calles Grass Free.
I always use simple workflow, as deadlines are always short
I forgot to tell that for vegetation i use Linked objects converted to Proxies. Otherwise the scene would be too big and it would be impossible to work.
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Thanks Bart I am very honoured. Have a great weekend too.