Modifier List for Blender 4.2 Addon Fork

Yeah this should be integrated


Thatā€™s the plan, if @Symstract does not decide to pick up the add-on again :slight_smile:

But it will probably be released a few days or weeks after 4.2 is released due to lack of time for now. Also, the review time for add-ons might be really slow in the beginning when everyone puts up their addon for review haha :sweat_smile:


You sir is an absolute saint. Silently uploaded it without even bragging here


Blender 4.2 now makes it possible to move modifier position on multiple objects by holding alt :slight_smile: will this now be possible in Modifier List?

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Yep, I added support for that in the latest version :slight_smile:


Amazing! Thank you!

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Hello! I noticed a bug with this version of Modifier List. With it installed, the modifiers panel is empty, that is, all options disappear, even if the show option is selected. If I uncheck and check the show option again, the panel appears, however, when I restart blender, even though I save the system options (blender), the panel disappears again. This error occurs in versions 4.1 and 4.2 of Blender. I tried several times and the problem persists. In version 4.0 I had no problems.

Hi @MarcoSilveira, I am unable to reproduce the issue, if you mean this setting:
The settings are automaticly saved as soon as its set, so no need to save the prefrences.

You can try delete your modifier list prefrences and see if it works:

Also, please try it on a factory reset Blender, it should work then. I have not change anything regarding this setting, so I it really hard to know what the problem is.

Hi, modifier defaults no longer work for me in Blender 4.2. Could you verify, please?

Hi @Brick, please download latest from here:
Or just search for it in Get Extensions, all future updates will be available on the new extension platform.

Edit, read the question wrong, will take a look

Edit, hmm, yeah they seem indeed to be broken

Fixed the issue


Can confirm. Thanks!

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i might just be doing it wrong, or it is not supposed to be working in 4.1. but i installed from the extension page and used version 1.8.6 and everytime i install it is say ā€œinstalledā€ (no errors) but i cannot find it in my addon list

Thats expected, modifier list on the extension page is 4.2 and up, while you technically can get it to work with some small changes, it recommended to use the old github realse versions instead for 4.1.

alright i downloaded version 1.9.6 and i works so thank you for that.

only thing iā€™m wondering is; stuff like ā€œsmooth by angleā€ still doesnt show up in the search, is it not supposed to? or am i using the search wrong?

I never added support for smooth by angle, and now in 4.2 you can just right click, auto smooth and it adds a modifier. While it would have been nice to have before, I did not have time to add it.

Eventuella, since geomtry nodes modifers is going to more and more prevalent in Blender, it would be good to support them, not sure how to do that yet on a technical level. Will investigate some day when I have time.

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oh alright, just so i have a complete picture of the limitations: is ā€œsmooth by angleā€ the only modifier that is not included?

btw if that wasnt clear: i love the fucking add-on so much

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Modifier list works with all non-geometry nodes-based modifiers. ā€œSmooth by angleā€ is the first and only geometry nodes-based modifier (aside from the hair ones). This is currently not supported as noted earlier, but it is also the only one so far.

The trouble with geometry nodes-based modifiers is that I have not found an easy way to automatically add them whenever they get added in a new update or if users add their own to the asset library. Adding them manually is not an option due to time.

and no worrise at all :slight_smile:

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fair enough, thanks for all the information, and till next time when im trying to run your add-on in an old blender version without any techical background to figure it out myslef

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Itā€™s so cool you made this addon! Iā€™m responding to your last message on the thread ā€œModifier List 1.7.5ā€.

I downloaded add-on-modifier-list-fork-v1.8.65, addded it to blender 4.1.0 and the log says the modules were installed, but when I search the addon in the list, itā€™s not there.

I searched it with keywords like ā€œlistā€, ā€œmodifierā€, ā€œforkā€, itā€™s not there. And usually when and addon is installed, it gets highlighted and you can tick the box to enable it. I did not have that when installing this addon.

Iā€™m sorry to take up more of your time, if you could point me to the right direction.
How I install addons: download the zip, go to my Blenderā€™s addon tab, click install, check the box.