

Has anybody seen this software? Their UV mapping ad looks pretty cool from their website, . I think I might try their software out, if anybody from here could say something good / bad about it I will have better understanding to whether I should get it or not.

Been trying modo a little. Well, overall modo is good. But for modeling, today not many differences between softwares. Even the underrated software we love already has superb unwrapping tools. So I should say there’s not many reason to buy another modeling software. If you ask me, I prever investing in zbrush or deeppaint 3d.

I have tried the UV mapping they talk soo much about and its ridiculous

anyway isnt modo one of the most expensive, this is free…

We can’t use that arguement forever. Modo is a nice modeling package (I’m on 103, didn’t upgrade to 201) and feature wise it’s great but I’m more of a fan of Silo since I do mainly organic work. Modo is better for hard surface but can -definatly- do organics also. For the price it’s a good deal since you get texture/displacement painting that I’ve heard is top notch. I use zbrush mainly for that now and soon Silo will be my main detailing app once they release the public beta. But Modo is definatly a good program to have if you have the cash flow. There’s always educational discounts if you qualify too.

lycanthrope: Go for Zbrush if you’re choosing from the two. DeepPaint3d isn’t nearly as feature rich as zbrush. Also, Modo is a painting app just like the 2 now that 201 is out so that’s still a viable option if you like the user interface enough and find it welcoming. Zbrush has the adverse effect on new users but the interface is great once you learn how it flows.

I tried the demo of Modo 102 and didn’t really care much for the workflow… it seemed to Lightwave-ish. Unfortunately, I’ve never really gotten to the UV stage of doing anything… so far my stuff has been fairly simple surfaces and image maps.

Like pnoland, I’m a Silo user, it’s workflow is similar to Wings but with the added benefit of being able to poly x poly model and doesn’t fold under the stress of higher poly models as easily as Wings does. I’m also looking forward to the new stuff Silo2 is bringing to the table.

what do you mean “poly x poly” ?

the techniques is called many things… Poly X Poly, Detail Out, Edge Extrude. All basically the same methods. Wings does not allow open ended polygons.