I’m posting this just in case someone has something in mind… Lately my monitor is having some very slight color inaccuracies near the corners (Samsung 795DF). They would usually go away for a couple of days when I degauss the monitor. Today i turned off the monitor for a while and when I turned it on the color was ruined on every side of the screen! the center (around 10 inches diameter) was normal, but the surrounding area displayed gradually inaccurate colors, which is very annoying. Degaussing didn’t help at all. At some point it just went away half-way, but when I turned the computer off and on later again it got scrumbled. The fun is that I changed resolution to something higher to check a program and when I degaussed, the “magnetizing” got even worse. Do i need a new monitor?? There is nothing electromagnetical close to the monitor that can cause such effects.
Is it plugged in to the power snugly?
Best Guess = Time for a new monitor.
CRT… I tried pluging it in and out… Maybe transportation from one place to another during easter season (two 9hour long ship transfers) weakened it…? But it’s only 2 years old, my old Sony E200 (used now on the old computer in my father’s office) still works great and it’s almost 7 years old. Oh well :O)
I think maybe it was exposed to magnetism duing shipping.
In that case, it may heal itself over time.
I’ve got no solution for your problem, it does sound like it has neared its end.
I know that Samsung doesn’t necessarily have a bad name, but in the last two months our Samsung microwave failed, then the Samsung vacuum cleaner’s motor blew, and yesterday, the Samsung washing machine gave in. All of these are less than two years old. At least these are our only Samsung appliances.