I have been wanting to post this so here it goes:
The purpose of this thread is to post your best pic of the Suzanna model.
You will PM me the link as described in rules and then after three days of submitting images I will edit this post with everyones link added. Then a pole will be started and you can vote for any image submitted. The winner get’s nothing but recognition.
The model can be old or new and can have as many things added to it as desired but only one monkey is allowed in each image. Note: A reflection or another monkey is permitted.
You may submit as many projects as you would like but only one image per project. The image can not be larger than 1000x1000.
Send me a personal message of your name, picture name, and http link. So if my name is Bob and my pics name is Suzanna then send me a PM like this: Suzanna by Bob http//www.bobspics.net/Suzanna.jpg
Do not post any images other than a link, and do not post any new replies until voting has begun.
So let the Monkey Fun begin!
Contest Results!
Well so much for that! Only one of you guys replied so here is his image! I also included some of mine for the fun of it!
Monkey Bot by Mifune http://gallery.mudpuddle.co.nz/albums/mifune/thebot9.jpg
Boo by Prince http://www.pix8.net/getimg.php?img=Monkey22.jpg
Albino by Prince http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/9110/Monkey.jpg
I won’t pole it since no one else really responded. If others still want to i would still like to post them here so just send me your PM! The discussion is now open!