
It’s not the quantity it’s the quality!
(keep saying that, keep saying that, keep saying that, keep saying that)

is that first thred true are there 2 b@rts !!!

Haha I guess I escaped the monkey ritual, having skyrocketed to my current colosal post count in a blindingly fast display of power posting. The whole trick is in lowering your standards. If 50% of your posts are utter meaningless rubbish, like say, this one, then you can become a monkey in no time flat!

You mean like this one?

no, more like the one below this one
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whoops :expressionless:

Hey, did anyone notice the MONKEY I posted up (see my post on page 1)

That thing was a monkey???

You’re more evil than I am :o

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Phlip!! How could you!!


May the monkeys be your demise :<