
hey guys im kinda just asking a quiestion about weirdhats monkey framers thingy, does that still exist if it does anyone got the URL? i just done my first few animations i was hoping i could use monkeyframers to get a better grasp on it well thats it any help if u can cheers lads and ladys

It doesn’t exist anymore, it wasn’t very popular and Hos and I got tired of working on it.

However the 10 Second Club, which is what Monkeyframers was based on, is still there and probably will be for a long time…

The link of course still exists and is located at:

Question to WeirdHat. Any chance of an update on BlenderChar??

The BlenderChar tuts are just great and lots of char anims tuts have appeared since the last update (Madbastard, Weese,…) :stuck_out_tongue: