
Time for a simple render.
Always Blender 2.49 and Yafaray, using sunsky for illumination.
For the grass i use this sample (too long for making decent grass in yafaray, too lazy for do that):

I think that is missing something, but I can guess what, maybe the grass is too flat, without color variation.

Any suggestions??

Here is the new one:

The old version

Something behind the model perhaps… now the world just ends there…

The grass is good, the model is interesting. I’d go with macouno’s observation: it looks as thought the model is sitting on the edge of a cliff. Even a couple of birds in the sky would add some depth and impart the sens that the world doesn’t end just beyond the model.

You’re right, I wanted to leave the rear clear, but is very empty. I already have some ideas for a background element, like rectangular monoliths, and make the grass continue a bit.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Here is the new render with the background elements and a little of DOF (made in blender using node system), now it looks much better:


I think it just needs a little lens flare thrown in. Would really make it look good.

Agree with zanyman, lens flare would be awesome.

Thanks for the comments, I added the lens flare, now it looks more dinamic :slight_smile: Also added another monolite in the background.

Now that looks amazing! I think you got the angle of the lens flare spot on given the position of the sun. I really like the colours and the mood set by the sun and grass.

looking exceptional. the design is well done.

Thanks a lot guys :wink: