the first timeI saw a monster generator was in a game called Gauntlet back in 1985.
Basicaly it is a destroyable object in the game that constantly makes monsters spawn.
Edit object>Add is pretty cool for bulletts and stuff, but what about spawning an entire monters? (mesh, armature, Emptys, and anthing else parented to it)
in the lattest build you can add in objects that will retain their contraints… but yes it would be nice to add/spawn in entire objects (mesh armature etc) all at once!!
Objets children do get added in as well… so I supose you can do it that way?
I was trying to Edit>Add the entire monster at once with multiple logic blocks for every pice! (which explains the explodeing like action as every physics piece was spawned ontop of the main parent)
I just tryed doing the verry top parent, and it works GREAT!!!
WOW! i can make a seriously good game now!
before I was hesitant because when I filled my maps with monsters my FPS went from 250 down to 10.
now I will just make 1 of each type of monster, and have the player trigger a monster factory! The Game map will start out no monsters at all, then as the player progresses, monsters are added…
Like when the player triggers a door to open, not only can i make the door open, but i can poulate the room behind it (door) with monsters and animated items!
WOW! i can make a wizzard charictor that spawns little minions! for both the monsters, and the players!
like the grenade launcher in unreal 2003-2004, I can make little spider mines!!