This is a monster from my tutorials that aren’t finished yet ! Anyway I hope you like it !
Looks like some reptile thing with some insect attributes mixed in.
The only thing dragging this down right now is that the combination of the lighting and tonemapping is blowing the colors and shading out in places, now it is possible to tweak the color management settings to prevent this though.
Yes , of course I can change the whole combination of the lighting and to increase the colors side and correct the light setting . I will change it asap ,with a new render .
like the over all mode
-the thing between its thighs is not a good style, it makes it look sexist! a very strange place of choice of a horn.
-its foot is big for a skinny thigh, it wont be able handle moving, would compensate for that with a big thighs.
I know it seems sexist , but in the idea this is a self-defense part of his body when a other monster like him struggle between .I think I missed out that part ! well i should add more horns or not . For the foot I can reduce the size .
Imagine in an animation another like him come to jump on him and attack him ,he pierces him directly even if this part seems weird ,I know … !
I don’t think the intention was to follow the rules pertaining to Earth creature when this was made, a fantasy creature can look like almost anything.
Though I hadn’t really noticed the horn until now, which goes back to the first part in that it usually wouldn’t make much sense biologically.
That’s why I made this horn ,the first thing that he came to my imagination was a kind self-defense part , even if some people think this is a sexist part of human body .For people who don’t really like the horn on this part or they are shocked , i’m making a new render without the horn .
whether you want or not, people will always see that as the part -you know what-, it is just something that very hard coded in human brain, it is like you tell someone these look like eyes BUT you need to see them as ears!
leave the groin spike in. don’t let other people dictate how you should apply your vision. it’s your creature, make it as weird and fantastic as you like. the only people that can tell you to make it different are paying clients!
Of course , we got all different level perspective & things that we see & we think on an artistic result .
But people who believe that is like a human part are not accustomed of the specification of human body that project inconsciencly in their judgement of what they feel like a rejection , or something dirty or a lack of accustomed,I think .
Before , I used to reacted like that ,but now I dive on a deep analysis of my creation from my imagination on the utility of my character ,exemple on my future art work or animation to open me mind on a better artistic appreciation of what I will do and what I will see to be more open-mind & constucive .
By the way , I would have prefered that someone asking me before ,what is this part ? I would have saying the description of why it is here like , I wrote it .
Next time I will put in description asking questions it’s good for mind ,if you don’t understand why it’s here , I will describe the biographie of my character . Lol
Some character are more weird than mine sexually , violent or others on a different levels or limit of what we can see with our appreciation or not on something base on a concrete judgement on our desir & what we are looking for to an artist and his work .
Believe it or not, this is mild compared to some of the other ‘creatures’ you might find on other CG websites (which really are sexualized garbage). Even worse, some don’t even care what other think in these cases, even if they try to make porn platforms out of E/T-rated games that allow custom content like Spore and The Sims (my condolences to the poor employees at Maxis who had to try to delete all that).