hi,i was just playing around with the new BRAZYBUMP for the textures and lightning & rendering in blender .I have liked it and hope you so
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hi,i was just playing around with the new BRAZYBUMP for the textures and lightning & rendering in blender .I have liked it and hope you so
OMG that is awesome!!! 5 stars!!!
wow, amazing texturing… try adding a bit more though, right now its just a big picture of the moon
Doing great. Just one thing. The lighted side of the moon does not fade darker toward the shadowline.
It is pretty much evenly lighted across the whole sun-facing side.
That looks crazy awesome GE-FORCE!
Going along with what superlott had said though, it’s cutting straight into the darkness, you need to make that light to dark transition more gradual and then you shall have a crazy insane awesome render! But for now, it’s just crazy awesome lol
Great job!
Wowee. I’m not sure i understand, i mean i mistaked it for a photo, and it looks awesome. But is it just a sphere with a texture, or was that a lotta hard work. Either way, looks great
Goodnight moon.
Was it this texture?
Needs work, but it looks very good! I agree with BABOOM.
This is just a sphere with a texture on it. One of the freely available ones from the web? Am I wrong?
Wow. Im gonna have to go with goosey on this one. Ist a nice render, but its more of a test, right?
Definitely not 5 stars, sorry.
first time i get a star.any ways this is a sphere with a texture i have taken from the web “i forgot where is it from this was in 2007”
and yes this is a free texture from web but it has amazing resolution 4096X2048.i found it while i was searching for PLANET TEXTURES in google .there was a website it had all of the planets and thier rings textures.
here is a render without RayTracing :
Its a ball with moon texture… c’mon… :S Not impressed even a bit… I mean really. There is nothing much to it.
XDD.i know XD.but its my first time getting STAR .XD
though i got tired more in my other projects.it was just a test for crazy bump.BTW why does crazy bump crash every time i load a picture. ??
O. Well, anyhoo, still looks good… Ummm… Congrats on finding that great texture
Your description is how it appears from earth. What’s depicted is actually more close to reality. If it were the way you’re saying it (the way im interpreting anyway) then there would be a “line” running around the moon…on one side, light, on the other dark. this is a physical impossiblity. Light will ALWAYS fade to dark on a round object. I’ve yet to personally see an example of a naturally occuring object (lets say made of one material for the sake of simplicity) reflecting light in such a way that the area were they meet there is no “blending”. For an example what I’m talking about just look to earths rotation cycle. How night blends into day and vs versa. There usually isn’t such contrast in naturally occuring things, always an inbetween zone…no matter how small. If he had done what your describing (my interpretation of it anyway) you would have automatically seen that the image is fake and you would have posted that there is no way lihgt goes from dark in such a sharp manner.
OP- love the image. Had you not said you modeled this I would have assumed it was jsut a pic of the moon. But i agree with one of the other posters that it needs something else in there as well. maybe some dead astronaut floating helplessly in space, long since forgotten…maybe thats a bit extreme…but lol. yeah…add something. That and take out those cheesy stars lol.
I think you should have put this in the test forum man…he’s right.