[moonkiroe] new illustration (update)

Great to see such an expressive toon style, excellent work, movie quality.
Did you purposely leave the creature seemingly untextured as a tease for further work/game character?

definetlly cgtalk worthy may others say different, its true this is worthy(though maybe my eyes aren’t :p)

well anyways looks good! darn good! :RocknRoll:

great… i bypassed this one.

the grass is spectacular, and the foreground change is an improvement. As minor crits (providing I’m not capable of come half near to this quality) the side of the door maybe deserves a better texture… but the overall look and light is fantastic.

Well… that’s definitely gallery material! Congrats on your excellent work! Just loved the style and lighting.


Its really great now, gallery may be next.

So will we see this in the gallery next :slight_smile:
Very nice, and I’d love to see the techniques if possible, because I’d love to learn to do this level of work!:yes:

bonjour i see your from france.:slight_smile:
great work. definately gallery material.

Moved to the gallery.


Very nice. You are creating a very interesting world. It will definanetly add to your game’s appeal.

Xelent… really impressive… hope some day i can play !