Moral terrorist in Alabama

The state of Alabama just outlawed viberators and now want to change the AOC from 14 to 16.

Well… first I heard the vibrator thing several years ago, so I don’t think they “just” did it. As for the AOC, I believe it’s been 16 for as long as I can remember, are you sure that’s not Hawaii? Their AOC was 14, but I heard they work working on changing it to 16 when I was leaving.

But hey… brewing your own beer is illegal here too. :frowning:


Oh yeah… and so is buying alcohol on Sundays (restaurants may be excluded), and buying alcohol at all in some counties…


that’s very stupid IMHO.


Well, I heard it on Jay Leno, maybe it’s a two year rerun :stuck_out_tongue: I thought you Libs are running Alabama, when you going to get rid of these stupid laws ? And get rid of the law that makes lovemaking after 6pm illegal.