More dinosaur compositions

Everything you need to know is there…crits/comments/advice welcome on all aspects of the images !

Interesting and very well composed, IMHO. :smiley: The light matches very well.
The critic is that if you are looking for a realistic restoration of a dino, you should go after reference material (there is a lot on the web).
BTW, you don’t really need uvmap to avoid stretched textures on the top of the models. :wink:


Thanks ! I deliberately waited for a nice sunny day to make composition easier. :slight_smile:
Finding good reference pictures seems much, much harder than the actual modelling. There’s lots of side-on pictures but no accompanying front views. When I get more practise this might not be so much of a problem…for the stegosaurus I had to use rather blurred photos of a small (10 cm long) model. Next time I’ll use a nice big brachiosaur model I have, should turn out much better :wink:
For the textures, I know, I read the tut on textures in orco mode on your site ! But, alas, I had a sudden bout of extreme laziness…next time I shall try it.