more or less entirely unrealistic flight thru the mountains

yes! completely unrealistic. i just say that because i can put everything you don’t like under this header :wink:
this was done mainly because i was bored and i had to test some DOF settings for my next cough movie project.
the intention was creating the feeling of a winter mountainscape that looks more or less entirely unrealistic, but there had to be a certain “cold” feeling to it.
it took very long to render… one night for 200 frames. [that was because the mountain texture has lots of plugins in it and they take hella long time to calculate!]
the snow was made with particles [i actually used the highest number of particles possible :o ]

download it here: [901 kb]

i know the DOF is way too much, but that belongs to the “more or less entirely unrealistic part”
hope you like!

Why do you insist on perpetuating my chronic depression stemming from modeling and animation inadequecies?

Great job. I love the look.

i do like it :slight_smile:

I get a slight impression that the mountains are somewhat small though (might just be me).

I’m interested in how you did the lightning and the electricity skittering around. I’ve wanted to do something like that but it didn’t seem to be possible (or its something simple and im just a dunce :stuck_out_tongue: )

i look forward to seeing your next project :slight_smile:

no, it’s the DOF… but that belongs to the more or less entirely unrealistic part… %|

thanks for your comments!


yes yes!


hehe :wink: it looks like a toy mountins!

well, it looks rather good…especially the snow and lightning :wink:

great work :slight_smile:

do I sense something andy?

realizm is not every yhing in life… I think this awesome animation demonstrate just that.
good job andy :smiley:

i do like the snow :wink:

very nice


nice nice nice!

Who cares of realism?

This is very cool!


Well done again @ndy.


Maybe we need to make a community project…

One night? Bah! I’ve taken 50 hours to render 200 frames before!

(only thing I can say I’m better at than you…)

The surrealism reminds of the opening to Edward Scissorhands. Very nice.

very cool! i really love the snow

Oh I get it, this is a psychological test; @ndy trashes his work and everyone else retorts with unanimous ‘no you were wrong to trash it, this is greatness’ and @ndy sits in his secret BlenderLaboratory high up in the mountains logged onto elYsiun laughing at all of us for feeding his emaculate Blenderage when we all just think that we’re trying to boost his Blender esteem so he doesn’t give up.

What a sick, twisted genius. :wink:

mhuahahahaharr! I’m a sick, twisted genius!

oh btw, i think this is the beginning of a new movie production… hmmm.

Looks great,…you should check out the snow file at michaels blends, it has a snow generator with a slight rainbow halo which is kind of interesting.

snow particles are too big. at this scale we can’t normaly see particles.
or you have to be close to mountains.

that belongs to the more or less entirely unrealistic part! :stuck_out_tongue:
but you see, the snowflakes are blurred, that means they’re very close to the camera.


come on @ndy, you just put the “more or less unrealistic” part in so you wont have to change anything.

why not make it “photo realistic”

then go hard improving it :smiley: