More questions-Background image sizing-duplicate/reflect object/Hard edges.

More questions guys.

  1. I use SVG objects and can’t figure out how to import an image so that it s exactly the same size as the SVG file.
    I transfer the SVG to Photoshop so it should be the same size, but when I import the jpg into blender it always needs to be scaled.

  2. Certain parts of this hull model will need to have a hard edge (selected lines in pic). I cannot find anything in Blender that does this.

  3. Since there is no way to mirror one side to the other as I build, is there a way to duplicate half of the hull and reflect the duplicated part? Bothe sides should be exactly the same and it is tedious to make adjustments to both sides.

  1. I use SVG objects and can’t figure out how to import an image so that it s exactly the same size as the SVG file.
    I transfer the SVG to Photoshop so it should be the same size, but when I import the jpg into blender it always needs to be scaled.
    A scale value of 1 gives the longest side of background image a size of 2 blender units. You could also use the Images as Planes addon to add the image to a plane the same size as your image.
  1. Certain parts of this hull model will need to have a hard edge (selected lines in pic). I cannot find anything in Blender that does this.
    If you’re using subsurface modifier add an edge crease value (in properties panel N), or an edge split modifier
  1. Since there is no way to mirror one side to the other as I build, is there a way to duplicate half of the hull and reflect the duplicated part? Bothe sides should be exactly the same and it is tedious to make adjustments to both sides.

Mirror modifier

  1. Not sure on that one. :frowning:
  2. Try the Edge split modifier.
  3. Add a mirror modifier and it’ll edit both sides while you build.

Edit: I’ll get you next time Richard! Next time! shakes fist and escapes

Thanks for the answers guys.
Here is what I get when I use the “import as planes”

The image imports onto a plane, I still have to resize it, but that may be due to resizing the object/hull to try and match the previous “background image”. i will have to experiment with that.
However, the “Image on a plane” does not show through the object I am trying to align to it.

  1. Is imported and aligned to the object.
  2. Is the “Hull object” only selected and then using the tab key to go into edit mode.
  3. Is hitting the “Z” key.

Is there a way to see the “image on a plane” through the other object?

Also parts of the Hull object disappear when I use “images on a Plane”

I tried the Edge Split Modifier" (control E) I couldn’t figure out how it works…:spin:
I then tried the “Edge crease” and… It did something, I’m just not sure what exactly :spin:

I have attached a file that I hope you can open and let me know what I am missing.

The more i use blender… the more questions I have…:spin:


President-00bad.blend (700 KB)

When you’re in textured solid mode (which you need to see the image planes), the back faces aren’t displayed. It’s why I typically stick with the background options. I think they’re easier to work with in the end, just resizing can be annoying.

I went ahead and set up your model to have a mirror modifier and edge splits how you wanted. Link

If anything doesn’t make sense, ask of course.

I’m one step closer to understanding “mirror modifier”.

Using the file you uploaded I tried to copy the mirror settings into another file.
I wasn’t successful. It does something weird with the object, It looks like it duplicates the object.
I’m not sure what I am doing wrong. (See uploaded file and pic)

It’s too bad the “Images on a Plane” does not work the way I need it too. It’s very annoying and time consuming to constantly have to resize the background image.


P-51Test-009.blend (531 KB)

Delete half your model. You can then just model the half of it and it’ll duplicate it and mirror it across for you. If you have both sides and put a mirror modifier on it, it’s going to try to mirror both sides and you basically wind up with a whole duplicate.

That works!