More realistic way to fracture model than with "cell addon"


I know that Houdini can produce amazing fracture, any way to make more realistic things in Blender? Because the “cell addon” is so old fashion…

Fracture modifer build or the RGB lab addon on the blendermarket. These have different ways to fracture an object.

Or this:

Yes I saw this, but voronoi style, not realistic :confused:

A reason why voronoi fracture is so popular is because it creates only convex pieces, which means the pieces can be set to convex hull collision (better performance and stability). The problem with making realistic, jagged pieces is that the simulation will need to be set to mesh collision and will be less stable, with pieces getting stuck into each other and possibly exploding.

The only other easy way to fracture an object I know of is to use planes with a little bit of thickness and slice the object in various angles using booleans. The planes could be made jagged for more realism, but that comes with problems.


Thank you for your words… and nothing to do with the new geometry nodes? :nerd_face:

Maybe the boolean method could be adapted with geometry nodes. What about using geo nodes to spread and randomize a bunch of very thin, flat cubes all over the object and using them as booleans?

But this requires a bunch of booleans and the performance is terrible. It would be easier to do it manually.

Maybe the better approach would be to use the voronoi fracture and search for ways to somehow chip the interior edges, but I have no idea how that would be done.

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