Well like me most of you i think runescape is so stupid.But as i was surfing the web for tutorials on python (cause i suck at python) i seen this whole web site about runesacpe and on the decription of underneigh the name befor you go into the website it said that runescape had finally gotten real time shadows and grapicks update.I laughed and said i dought that runescape has shadows but when i went and made me an account really quickly to see if it was true to my suprsie it is RUNESCAPE HAS SHADOWS that sickens me!!!
This truly is heresy! And I see, brother, that your temporary loss of spelling skills results from the furious rage bottled up inside you… Let us pray together that one day this evil game will be overthrown!
Lol, only joking of course, although I dislike runescape as well. It sucks up your time, I’ve seen it happen But why exactly does runescape having shadows sicken you?
It’s nice to know that you can play online games in fullscreen and with a graphics accelerated card. I registred also just to see the graphics. Goes very smooth but you must be a paying member to play it.
lol, i don’t see what so bad about runescape as long as you are in a good clan there.
I’m a paying member in that game by the same username.
Lol, only joking of course, although I dislike runescape as well. It sucks up your time, I’ve seen it happen But why exactly does runescape having shadows sicken you?[/quote]it sickens me cause a game that has such bad graphics has shadows! and the reason my spellings isnt that great is cause ittlian is my first language:D
hey the_creator, their graphics just got waaaay better. Though my computer is horrible, and can’t run it, I tried once, ran at about 10 fps mebbe? but the graphics are amazing.
i no there better now…
Just remember that it is in Beta phase so the graphic will be tweaked better over time and that once they have the graphic cleaned up, they can focus more on the gameplay aspect than before. for example, they have just announced that they will add tabbed banking feature.
oh no if they keep adding stuff it may suck me back in!!!no!!!
Wow, runescape is in beta phase?
How many testers do they want?
Thats a reaaaaaaly long testing phase, you’d think they weren’t getting paid to make it.
They deleted my account so ihy >:|
+they made it so you can’t use artmoney to hack your money on it, ihy x 2 >:|
You’re kidding, right?
RIGHT? :spin:
Multiply the effects by 100 and you get World of Warcraft. That game sucks people in to heck, blamed for the fall of society according to some people.
Heck what’s the point of those MMOPRG’s if you can’t even play as a Dragon?
I’ve never played Runescape, but I take it the game has terrible gameplay as well? Otherwise this would be kind of a silly topic
not really. just a lot more boring for peoples used to better graphics and more actiony games. it is actually pretty good as long as you tune out the noobs and stuffs.
Check your spelling. Please.
people like you bigbad are making me mad i’ve said tons of times english isn’t my first language!ittlian is so i’m stell struggling a bit in typing on a amreican keyboard!yes i was born in america but i was brought up on my native toung!and most my life i’ve not had a computer so don’t suspect good speeling from me on a key board even though i’m a 25 year old author!cause all the books i right in hand!ok i fell better now!
That’s just excuses. There is a spelling check integrated into Firefox. English isn’t my first or second language .
Even if you never had a computer to write with, there is no excuse for being lazy.
Aren’t the words ‘no’ and ‘there’ recognised by the spelling check as perfectly good English words? Or is there a grammar check involved as well?
Anyways, let’s keep ontopic, because if you stray offtopic in the offtopic forum, then… well, terrible things happen.
Wow, Bigbad acting like a grammer hawk:spin:
Let’s fill up our posts with bad grammer so he overloads:D
Locked by author’s demand!