More than Head in progress [envoirment update]

I made envoirment for him. the lights need work, as do the textures, but I am pretty sure you get my meaning.

Another update, now with body. I also thickened his hair. Light scheme is also changed.

Another update shot, now with hair. Eyebrows are still missing tough.

Here’s an updated shots from my little head. I am pretty happy in the overall look of the model.

Here is an shot with materials:

feel free to comment

Nice bone structure, although I would sink the eyes a bit deeper into the eyesockets.

I like this one quite a bit. I hope you choose to continue and finish it :wink:


Nice start.

The nostrils are a little big, but that is all that I can see that needs to be fixed right now. Just keep going.


Thanks from the comments. :smiley:

BGDM: I have reduced the overall size of his nose in the update, but the nostrils need a lttle tweaking.

MODRON: I’ve pulled his eyes deeper. Enough for you? :smiley:

Now… I just need to do eyebrows and hair. and envoirment.

Chek my first post for updated scene.


Really? No comments?

Here’s a coment:
Give him a full body, and show it off. This really reminds me of Peter Chung’s work, and it’s pretty sweet.

Like it, but ears are really strange!


Remember the importance of the eyes! Yours have expressiveness, which is good, but the eye shape/ eyelids/ eye eyelid interface lack definition., esp at the top and outer edge/inner edge. Work on this area. (PS If you haven’t given tuhoppu a try its great for cutting edges)

Smokey Joe: Full body? For that it’s a definey maybe… I don’t promise anything, but then again, you never know…

S68: Strange ears? Yeah, they are, but I forgive them for myself, because my aim was not photorealism.

slikdigit: I’ll see what I can do for the eye matter.

Thank you for the comments. Keep it comig. :smiley:

nice head… little sharp edges here and there… looks like some places your modelling method didn’t quite work out… like in the corner of eyes… subsurfin is streching them…

his hair is mostly in another dimension, only faintly shifting through ours so we get a glimpse of it being there, but not.


Just a message to bump this up. Look at the first post for update.

Comments are welcome.