Morgan Nilsson - BlenderGuruCompetition - Theme: Another Planet

Hello all, I hope this is the right place to post this!

So I finally decided to learn Blender properly after years of doubting. (One can never know too many softwares)

I painted up a very, very quick shoddy image for what I have in mind at the moment, rather ambitious considering I am currently studying Game Design and Graphics and extra courses along with that. But ah well!

Wish me luck! :cool:

Best regards

Link to competition :

Well first off I’d like to wish you luck with this project.

The image itself is a great start, correct me if i’m wrong but from what I’m seeing it’s an alien overlooking his vast city from what I would guess is sort of his apartment.
Is that a river inbetween cutting through the city?

Anyways it looks like a great concept and I can’t wait to see how this turns out.