With this one I had an interesting experience with time management. At first I wanted to make a house as realistic as possible. Due to the deadline suddenly shortening I finished with an outhouse. In the end I had a lot of time to spare so I added some stuff around it.
simply cute work!!!
Is that made of hard wood?
Not sure what to call the wood, was just aiming at old ish.
Also I tested out different lighting:
There is no toilet inside! lol.
Jup, because of how the light is passing through the complete model ( top to bottom ) it seems like there is nothing inside :lol: … but that aside a damn nice work with a pretty funny idea ^^
You should do the last two without any “sun” in the sky (total night, maybe with stars)
Change the sky or add cloud details, it will be awesome… with the woods is it normal map details, if yes can u share the nodes**