I’ve got an subsurfed object converted to mesh (I kept the original). I want to morph the converted mesh into the original, non-subsurfed version. How do i do this? Relative vertex keys don’t seem to work for this. Thx in advance!
I can’t say I have understand…
YOu want a fine mesh (I mean with many small faces)
which is equal to the original coarse mesh in shape?
If this is the case then DON’T use subsurf.
Take the original, coarse mesh.
Switch to editmode
select all vertexes
press the ‘Subdivide’ button once or twice.
If this is not what you asked… well, I’m sorry
I’m not sure but i think this is the same as something I was thinking about …
do you mean if you do a relative key vertex animation with a subsurfed object then convert the object into a real mesh the animation properties still remain??
At the moment it doesn’t do that but I’m sure there is a way using python to do it, but I’m no expert with python.
Nono, the thing is, I have one mesh, let’s say its a sphere (for simplicity) and i want to morph it into a cube. Is there a way to do this automatically or do i have to position each vertex of the sphere into a cube form and use RVs?
I think in this case, there are very few shortcuts. You must manually move each vertex to form the shape desired, and use RV’s to animate the result. Python doesn’t let you access RV’s, as far as I know.
Some tips I can give you:
Duplicate the object, then use the snap menu between them to help position vertices
If you really need to morph a sphere to a cube, create a cube, subdivide it, and use the ‘to sphere’ button
Hope I helped!
hmm… ya… no doesn’t work for me cuz the object is kinda complex. I’ll work around it. Thanks though!
I have heard about a RVK1 toRVK2-copy.
This python-script can copy a shape to a base-object.
If you make out of your Copy-Model (the target) simple an shape and use this script, it should append the shape to the base (the master-object).
But this works only with the same count of vertics.
But if you had made the target (finer object) with subsurface, maybe you could use the decimator to make it lowpolygonal.
The dezimator could work very exact, so I can calculate the exact vertics-count as the master-object has %|
Maybe that could help you!