
Does anybody know something about morphing in Blender. I’ve searching for it, but I only found something in french.

Morphing between two different objects is not possible, AFAIK.
“Morphing” between different shapes of the same object can be done with vertex keys for meshes and curve keys for curves.

generally i dont know anything :wink: - but maybe you should look for vertex keys - somewhat with keys … i am not really sure :wink:

I have an animated with bones object (in another program). I’ve converted that animated object to 100 single meshes (my animation lenght is 100 frames) and I’ve saved it into vrml. And now I want to make from those 100 non-animated objects one animated mesh. Could I do it in blender. Sorry for bad english.

as far as i know morphing between two different objetcs is pretty difficult!!! different vertex geometry etc makes it kinda impossible.

have an animated with bones object (in another program). I’ve converted that animated object to 100 single meshes (my animation lenght is 100 frames) and I’ve saved it into vrml. And now I want to make from those 100 non-animated objects one animated mesh.

so you have a mesh for each frame then?

ok… this will take alot of effort and time but can be done.

firsts import all your meshes and remove doubles .etc

now select all the meshes and press M and move to any layer you wish, for now i’m going to say layer 8.

still with all meshes selected press “i” and choose layer

when your render have layer 8 turned off.

now heres the long part, select the mesh for frame 1 and move to layer 1 and press “i” and choose layer. move forward 1 frame and move it back to layer 8 and press “i” layer again. move mesh for frame 2 to layer 1 and “i” layer it. move one frame forward, move mesh 2 back to layer 8 and “i” layer …continue

basically all meshes are “i” layer keyed to layer 8 then keyed to whichever frame they belong to in layer 1.

when you render with layer1 on and layer 8 off the meshes will appear and dissappear in order and it will look like a smooth morph

sorry this mini tuts a bit confusing… %|
if your stuck again just ask