Mosqueira in 3D

This scene is based on the works of Marcelo Mosqueira. The original image fascinated me so I tried to be as accurate to its spirit as possible. Modeling was done from camera view with adjustments to fix perspective distortions.

I adopted a pretty methodical workflow, doing first a full pass of bump-mapping, then alpha, then colour pass and finally a specularity pass when needed to highlight details. I painted all textures in Blender over the 3D model which turned out to be really pleasant and straightforward.

Background is a quick matte painting I painted in Gimp and then composited in Blender. The final image has a slight paint-over on the beard and eyebrows to give the required smoothness. Done in Blender 2.5, rendered in Blender Internal.

Here the original picture:

Amazing work! I love the old man’s palms!

5 stars sir - amazing work.

Very cool man. Somehow man in the bottom looks like he was carved from wood, but I say it in positive sense.

Nicely done! I think you captured the spirit of this piece very well,I always enjoy seeing 2D work redone in 3D :-), regards

One word: superb.

lovely work!

Thank you guys :slight_smile: