Most efficient way to get a wireframe render

Hi. I am soon finishing with a set of renders I did as the last phase of a tutorial I bought long ago by CGMaster.

I would also like to have the correspondent rendered in wireframe versions. I understand I could grab a viewport render with the wireframe overlay on, but I figured the quality was not there. How would you approach the task of creating a wireframe render, avoiding tweaking each of every component on the jeep?

Thank you

Hi, you could select all the objects of the jeep in the Outliner and join them?
Use wireframe modifier?
If you need a specific line colour look here:

Not the best example of modelling but it was free. :crazy_face:

Yes, that would be how I would do it non-efficiently. I was thinking of a way where you do not need to join all and lose all the modifiers.

I don’t know of easer way of doing it.

I think using override might work if I create a shader wireframe


I will be interested in seen how you did it.

As for my experience (even in products for sale) I use “Freestyle Edge” function and enable the layer in composting in case i need it.
Have you tried this attempt? it actually works great for me. In case no, I can write a quick “HowTo” for you

Advantages are different settings for coloring, visibility, line width and so on


Yeah, I think this is the “cleanest” solution as well.

Along these lines, if you want a viewport visualization of the effect, as opposed to doing it in the compositor, you can also add a grease pencil line art object to visualize the edge marks.

I just saw a YT video on this solution. Is the one you need to mark edges in your mesh to be read as freestyle? Thank you so much

yes, lines you want to see as “wire” are needed to be marked as Freestyle by pressing CTRL + E → Mark Freestyle.

You can simply mark all objects in object mode and enter editmode for all object at the same time


Could this method maybe work:

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You can render wire frames with viewport rendering.
If you use the rendered wireframe image for synthesis, it can be used in many ways.

Alternatively, you can use Addon. :thinking:

in case you read the original post, viewport did not bring the expected result for him…


I didn’t see the description in detail. :sweat_smile:
Personally, I would prefer to use the Edge from Post Processing on the Blender Render engine of blender 2.79. :thinking:

I haven’t implemented the proposals yet, but I don’t understand how the wireframe node gives this and not the wireframe.

It is frustrating. There are 20 ways of seeing the wireframe with overlays, modifiers, etc, and the node called wireframe gives you a triangular mesh.

Out of my head, the easiest way to do this will be to use the override feature and have a shader like the one I am using above.

Apparently more people asked for this 5y ago.

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The Wireframe node uses only the parametric coordinates of the triangles… It has no access to polygons information.

Another alternative using a shader method, is to use a custom UVmap for all meshes (a small python script could be used to create the UVmaps)…
However this poses a little problem with the width of the wireframe, as it will be dependent of the size of each polygon. The only way to have a controllable size in this case (in Screen space), is to use OSL and its derivative functions.

The suggestion from @thecloser is probably the best one… but if you want to go with the shader method, I can write you the scripts for the python and osl.

I appreciate your help a lot. I will try the freestyle thing first and see how it works.
Thanks again for offering your help and time.

Additionally to the viewport solution:

If you think the wireframes are to thick then you could use a 200% (or more) version in the Output → Format Resolution and scale them down and composite them on your origianl render.

You may have to elaborate this

to get a more suited answer.

It’s not thick, lousy quality. Did you manage to get a viewport rendered of decent quality?

What might be lousy when rendereing lines ??? You even can color them to you liking… ( not using a bigger render of the wireframe here) :