Most Popular Textures?

Hi, I was just wondering what kind of image textures you guys use most frequently. Also, what are some image textures you guys have a hard time finding? If I was going to make some, which ones would you want me to make?

(Not sure if this is the right part of the forum to be posting this in, if not tell me and I’ll move it.)

it makes no sense to ask what we use most frequently. we use a texture relevent to the model were making. someone may be into arch-vis and need things like concrete textures or wood or carpet, leather etc, the guy next door mat be into sci fi and want various metals and gratings and computer screens etc and as every model is different they would want different textures for each model/scene
then theres the issue with scale, how big does the texture need to be, some models may require the image to be just a 512x512 image next time he may need it to be 8kx8k

your best bet if you want to share some photo textures is to just share the images that you use on your own models to begin with and garner a bit of interest that way, then the requests will come to you eventually. you could even make it into a bit of a buisness once you get a handle on what people really want!

Recently I looked around for some leaf texture and had a hard time finding what I needed.

For example, take coleus. Very pretty plant, very colorful leaves. Lots of people take pictures of coleus, but if you google the images, you see the whole plant: the leaves overlap, are at odd angles, and are unsuitable to use as textures.

I did find one guy who actually scanned in some coleus leaves: picked them right off the plant and put them on his color scanner. Very inventive. Some of them overlap, but there are many usable images. But, this guy wasn’t making textures, he was recording the variety on his own plants, so there were few, if any, that looked like they might be from the same plant (overall same color scheme with minor variations). So, using these images would result in repetition that might spoil any photorealism. Half a dozen leaves from the same plant would be nice to have.

That’s pretty much the case for most tropical plants.

There is a similar issue with flower petals. Some tulips or hibred roses have color variation from the top to the bottom of the petal, but the petal wraps around the flower: no one pulls the petals off and lays them out flat to take a picture of them.

Anyway, with Andy Price coming out with his grass pack, and a lot of interest in realistic vegetation, there isn’t much in the way of usable vegetation textures out there.

True that!

So I went with ‘what do I have a hard time finding?’ I generally don’t have problems finding arch vis, hard surface or grunge textures.

I watch a lot of tuts, and cloud is the one used most!

thats pretty much how i use flowers, pick them apart and scan them in! but taking Mr price’s grass pack as an example, you notice how many renders of grassy scenes came out once it was released. would you really be as enthusiastic about the coleus plant if there was half a hundred renders of coleus out there? i think for a texture photographer to be successful he needs to provide either an exclusive service, making images per client or, have such a wide range of textures that there will be only a little chance of seeing the same textures in models, ala

@Koumis we’re talking photographic textures not procedural :wink:

@smalltroll, I was just using coleus as an example. Although I do like the plant, and think a single one might be an excellent addition to the many living room and bedroom and kitchen scenes arch-res artists like to produce, since it is a good indoor plant.

But, you’re right. I’d like to see something on the lines of for vegetation, with many species, and many variations on the leaves, bark, and fruit for each one.

And I didn’t know the scanner technique before. I may take a walk around the neighborhood with a collection basket and a scissors. It would be nice if I had a yard to grow things in, though.

On related matters, UE4, in their ‘making of’ documentary, showed some software they developed that, with the help of a grey ball image photographed at the same time, could remove ALL light and shadow effects from a photograph of an object taken in the field. I’d like to see something like that making its way into FOSS inventory.