My latest project.
Full version can be found on my blog:
Clay Render.
My latest project.
Full version can be found on my blog:
Clay Render.
Looks like there snowed in for the winter lol.
Nice job man, great modelling on the landscape and architecture :D.
The snow resting on the ground looks a little strange though… the ground should be more covered in my opinion, as it looks like it’s really throwing down snow out there!
Also, is there any SSS on your snow material? or translucency? if not i would suggest adding some, and if there already is, then increase its intensity.
I really like it! I love the atmosphere. I agree with Jamie, if you don’t have SSS on the snow you should add it. And if you do, increase it’s visibility. Great job!
Thanks, guys! Hmm, the SSS on the snow is a good idea, though since the snow is not physically separate from the mountain I’ll have to play around with it, because if I just add an SSS to the snow it loses tons of depth and shadow.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Hi jacob, I don’t think SSS is the main problem to the snow here. At such a large scale , SSS is barely noticeable in real life…I think the main issue is that snow covers the mountain regardless of the slope. Real snow would not stack on a vertical ground.
Anyway, it’s a nice piece. I love the post pro and the way you dealt with the falling snow.
Thanks! =) You’re right, it really should be less evenly distributed.
Does any know if it’s possible to use weight painting to blend between two textures on an object? That would be incredibly useful here, but I’m not sure how I would accomplish it. I know I could use a map to do it, but painting would be so much easier.
You can use vertex colours as a mix factor for textures via the attribute node. just type the name of the vertex colour layer you want into the text box of the attribute node and link the factor to the mix node.
Here’s a simple example mixing a grass image and a rock image -
@Jamie B: Thank you! That worked wonderfully. I had tried using the attribute node with a name of a vertex group in the input, but I guess that doesn’t work, haha. But this is just as good.
Glad it helped mate looking forward to more renders
Absolutely fantastic and phenomenal!