Mouse Gestures, Blendergo poll

Just wondering how usefull mouse gestures are to people

I voted ‘use them occasionally, but they are not important’ - mainly because a keystroke is just as easy to use I guess

Not at all for me. I know I’m supposed to use right-click but when I’ve been using 5 or so other apps which all use left-click, when I use left-click, I get the gesture kicking in. I can honestly say that in the 2 years+ I’ve used Blender, I haven’t used them once for anything useful. I tried it and just thought it was a longer way to do something.

On the other hand, I am able to use two hands and not everyone has that privilege so maybe the gestures are handy to keep around for pirates and others with one hand. I think it should be disabled and set as an option.

However, no matter how many times we say we want left-click by default, no mouse gestures, contextual menu with right-click, floaty panel windows and material blocks linked to object blocks by default, it doesn’t seem to happen. I guess we’ll see what happens with the next release. :rolleyes:

i am agree that left click and border select by the left mouse button are very useful than them

I had to vote “annoy me, get in the way” but neither is true. I just don’t use them and none of the other options was appropriate :slight_smile:

D’ont use em and they don’t annoy me, so exactly which one am I meant to click? :stuck_out_tongue:

You need one more option methinks.

If I opened Blender and they were gone I’d be lost, specially in the IPO window.



I agree that you should be able to turn them off. They are very annoying.

i use them often and they are really helpfull

However, no matter how many times we say we want left-click by default, no mouse gestures, contextual menu with right-click, floaty panel windows and material blocks linked to object blocks by default, it doesn’t seem to happen. I guess we’ll see what happens with the next release. :rolleyes:
well as a non coder i can’t garentee anything, but i sure as hell hope to condense the information given and rank it in such a way that the coders have an easier time, and some goals.

I will also set up a ranking system to see how many of the suggestions have been achieved, and how important those suggestions were.

I am also trying to get feedback on suggestions i have made, as the more refinement they have undergone the more likely they are to be the “best” sollution.

but you are right, it may be a harder task than people think, i just think the first step is consolidating requests and removing the less important things from the important.

Oh and BTW people, this poll is not to help suggest removing gestures, rather it is to work out if they need to be made better, or need to be made less likely to be activated accidental by noobs. any suggestions for these two are welcome, by users and non-users of gestures.


I don’t think they are that easy to accidentaly activate and a quick click of esc gets out anyway.
I have read where the gestures mistake what gesture was made - not really a way around this I guess - reminds me of Palm writing recognition - seemed like a good idea at the time but quickly becomes a pain until mastered…

i use a tablet with blender, and find the gesture which constrains to an axis while translating/grabbing something completely natural and fluid. i use it ALL THE TIME.

on the mac, i press the command key while dragging over an element to initiate grab. While i am moving the object, i click and drag in the direction i want to go while holding down the option key to constrain the axis. it sounds like a lot of work when i type it out, but in practice, it isn’t.

if something were to happen to this particular gesture, i would die. the other gestures could go and i wouldn’t notice.

There are a few issues with this question.

Firstly the choices don’t really cover all the possibilities. As brought up by AndyD and M@dcow before, I too know about mouse gestures and tried them out when I was learning the basics, but I don’t currently use them. Also they don’t annoy me. Nor am I saying that I will never use them, because maybe I have just never put blender to the kind of rigorous use that would make them useful. No poll option for people in my category (and I’m guessing there are many), which has already led AndyD (by his own admission) to “fix” this election by voting for the wrong option! :eek: :slight_smile:

Secondly the choices available make too many assumptions to generate any valid statistics. How can it be assumed that “I use them occasionally” automatically means “they are not important” to me? There is no “I don’t use them”, but instead only the very emotional outburst of “they annoy me - get in the way”. Hmm … really? How does something that doesn’t have any visual interface annoy you? If you’re one of those numerous impatient computer users who do that hyper caffeinated clicky-draggy thing all over your screen and hope that the software somehow figures out what you meant by it … well, you do know you’re not really supposed to be doing that, don’t you? That would be like being annoyed by the fact that your car starts swerving around when you randomly play with the steering wheel while wanting to go in a straight line.
Damn power steering! :confused:

And then we come back to the eternal issue of what and who this software is made for. If you go through the responses on this page, you will find that the few people who have said they find mouse gestures very useful are those that really use Blender. I mean REALLY, and not just for shiny spheres and chess-board floors. [Any master artists who are annoyed by this feature, please excuse my generalisation, but I am citing a visible trend]. I have come across many of the more accomplished artists in the community citing their use of gestures at some point. How is that unimportant fact? Is the software supposed to be ‘easy to use’ or ‘easy to learn’. I don’t see how anyone can choose ‘easy to learn’, because 3D is hard. Yes, it’s fun. Yes it’s fulfilling. But that doesn’t change the fact that getting into it as a newbie is like chewing nails for the average person, and no software is different in that regard. Live with it. Sure we could make every advanced interface feature a user preference, but then you run the risk of turning away new users to Blender who are not newbies and are looking to switch for the right reason {because it’s good), rather than for the wrong one (because it’s free).

And that my 2 cents … well ok, maybe a few more cents than that, but who’s counting?

Finally, to Alltaken, just to clarify, this is not meant to in any way undermine (or rubbish) your efforts to bring some much needed ergonomic thought into Blender. In fact I much appreciate your Blendergo effort. That thread is turning out to be a treasure trove of good ideas, and it was about time someone serious did a concentrated study on the usability of the software at a stage when it is really developing into the next level of complexity and functionality. I’m glad it is in good hands. About this specific poll, I just wanted to add some perspective.

Keep the ideas coming, and all you trouble makers out there (yes, you know who you are), stop messing with the democratic process! :rolleyes:


Excellent. That’s what the democratic process is all about. This should give the developers an idea of what the community really wants/needs. It must be very hard to decide where to go next when eveyone is yanking on Ton’s sleeve asking for their own ideas to be realised.

They don’t work properly. I’ve been testing them quite a bit and gestures that are very similar do different things. The rotation one for example, I can get almost the exact same movement to turn into performing a scale about one time in every 4.

The gesture that constrains to an axis is useful but it has flaws. If you take a cube and move it in the default view, click the middle-mouse and move it up or down you see it contrains to the vertical axis. Now zoom out with the scroll-wheel. You can still only move the cube up and down within the same vertical distance of the view where the gesture initiated the constraint. If you zoom out first and then start the constraint, you get the full distance but if you zoom in then small mouse movements make the cube move by a huge amount. This range should change dynamically based on how close you are to the object.

Keep 'em. If they annoy people maybe make a way to enable/disable them from the INFO window or something. (Heck, maybe there is a way already?)

I can’t say I’ve ever been annoyed by a mouse gesture. When a rat gives you the finger that’s a differant issue.

When I first started blender I found them quite useful. I don’t use them so much now as I know the key-presses.

i should make a video of how fast i can work with a tablet and the translate gesture.

i’m pretty sure all of those who are saying they are useless would drop that line in a hurry.

The only one I ever use is the G-key substitute, and I haven’t even used it real often lately.

I think that the mouse gestures are just like anything else in Blender. Until you really make the effort to learn the tool, you’ll never really learn how to fit it into your preferred workflow. I use them more as my pace increases because it’s easier/faster than hitting the wrong keystroke (or having to look down and make sure I don’t). I don’t use them nearly as much when working at a more relaxed pace. I view it as a speed enhancement, not an everyday way of doing things.

As far as Blender not correctly interpreting your movements, that’s an issue of the user not fully understanding what Blender is looking for when interpreting your gestures. Practice cures all.


I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

hmm… i don’t undestand how are they getting on anyones way?
just don’t do gestures if you don’t want… that easy.

i didn’t vote. silly options.
