mouse issue

hey everyone long time no see.

i am having a mouse issue. ill upload a file when i get home but i just wanna get this out there. im making a fps style game and when i run it in blender 2.49b it all works fine. but when i export it as a runtime the mouse is very jumpy. like its jumping between sensitivity levels. im using 2 diffrent scripts and have hand no problem with them in the past. and it only happens at runtime. and this has been tested on 4 different computers 32 and 64 bit.
Download link

run the exe a few times. you should see what im talking about

I totally understand you pal.

I’ve been having the same problem for months until a great person from which I forgot the name who gave a little hint about the slow parent function.

That function solve the problem pretty well.

Il upload you a .blend file tomorrow.

do you have to use that particular mouselook script? i like the one from

that happenes to be the one i am using for my look left and right. looking up and down is a script that catches the location of the mouse and converts it to x and y. i use the y movement to control an ipo for up down.
and thanks
Ninja Goliath
i cant wait to see what you came up with. i may have found a temp. solution by forcing a higere sensitivity but its not working all the time.

why are you using ipo? that may be conflicting with the script, and if you havent modified original it will be looking for actuator UP/Down

im using ipo because of early issues with the bones. i cant use updown on a full bone structure. so i broke it up and never put it back. updown is linked to an empty called useless motion. so i dont run into errors. it seems to work fine in blender it only has issues at runtime. also i have tried disabling both scripts separately and still run into the same problem. i also tried making a flying camera with the updown script. still same issus. i think its the blend file. when i get home im gunna copy myleftright character into a fresh blend and see what happens.

often runtimes fail due to script errors which don’t affect game in blender
I’ve had problems due to this in the past

Sorry pal, I forgot to take the blend with me today,

il get you something tomorrow.

i have further tested the issue. i have used an older version of the mouse script. it was smother but still broken. so i rebuilt the whole game from scratch. imported some models, redid all the logic. same issue again. im beginning to get really frustrated with this problem.
does anyone have a different mouse script they can post for me?

Hai there,

I forgot again,

Hopefully I could isolate it from my current WIP that i carry on.

here it is :

…and here it is in action :

As I said, the lag never dissapear completely, but it get to an acceptable point.

Have fun.

thanks. only issue is i dont see a way to replace my current script with it to have it control a first person character rig.

Im really getting upset with this project. idk how this same issue keeps happening. i really need to find an answer. ive spent the better part of 15 hrs trying to fix it over the past 3 days. i even started from scratch with out a rigged character. and still no luck. i simply cant make anything work with the mouse. i have built the runtime on different computers. i have tested it on different computers. its gotta be something im doing. no mater what mouse script i use the mouse doesn’t sync up right. it is sometimes really slow. and sometimes normal speed. i never had this issue in past games.

To use the mouselook for your character, just parent it’s big ball empty to the character’s physic mesh. The mouselook party will then take control of the carachter’s Z orientation.

Just as shown in the demo.

Really, things are too simple, they should complicate it a little heehheeh

oh alright. ill give it a try and let u know how it works. thanks

idk if im missing something. i cant get it to work in my demo. i cant make it turn my character in first person.

Oups, my bad,

it’s the little circle empty that you need to parent to the player’s physic mesh.

Sorry for that.

Here, I removed the circle, There’s now only one empty and a camera.
Just parent the big sphere to something, and it should work fine.

just make sure to activate the “slow parent” on the sphere empty once it is parented to remove the lag.
the slow parent value is defined into the script, but you have to activate the option manually in the following pannel so that the game understand it’s a slow parent object.

your link http://www.********.org/blend/3852 is “****” out.
can u re-post it or email it to me a [email protected] ?

Sorry, I though these things were to force peoples to register to falcify the stats of this website regarding publicities incomes.

apparently they’re just prohibing the use of this web host on this board.

anyways, I corrected the link.
here it is again…

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Have you had any success with that pal?