Mouse lags for a second when grabbing object and sizing object etc

Everytime I select an object to try to move it or size it the mouse lags for about a second. Nothing major, but its kinda annoying and slows down the process. My specs are windows 10, CPU Intel i7 3940xm extreme edition, GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 660m, 24gb ram, msata ssd, Blender v 3.1.

Provide a capture of what’s happening, and hardware specifics, if you want to have a chance at solving this

I added what you asked for to my original post. Also it only seems to be doing this when its specifically those two functions. moving the object with the axis arrows w/e its called works with no issue. object edit mode grabbing vertices has the lag but not the arrows.

Are you hitting G to move ? or using your left click ?

I use G to grab the object. The video i was using S to size the object. As you can see, i hope anyway, that theres a small lag after i press to size it. Moving it with left click there is no lag. I forgot i can left click to move lol. But that leaves sizing the object.

This is really weird. Maybe something to do with your keymap ? since the same operators triggered by different input events work fine… Can you try loading the default keymap for a second and trying to move/scale again ?

It seems to freeze the mouse for every button after messing around with it abit.

What is “messing around with it a bit” exactly ?

You surely have a laptop with nvidia optimus technology (Intel graphics + nvidia). You make sure that nvidia is driving the display instead of intel. Or if intel is handling the display, set Blender to be handled by OpenGL from nvidia. You will have to research how to do it.

I meant after pressing any of the key that have a function in Blender. EVERY key was doing this but today i just found out that its doing this not just in Blender but everywhere, so in fact this is NOT a Blender issue, But more of a windows 10 issue. Maybe i gotta update my mouse driver or something.

Wow, I see. I’m afraid I can’t be of much help there… definitely weird. I hope you find a solution. Make sure you let us know once you do, somebody else might encounter the same issue and stumble upon this thread in the future.

Turns out all i had to do was uninstall and then reinstall mouse driver. I just initially thought it was Blender related because after installing the newest version it started to have that issue. Thanks for your time everyone.