Viewing and playing the 1st person shooters like dr doom and hellstation, made me more active with blender. I tried many times to create a mouselook like they did in the 1st person shooters, watching sources, open runtimes and figuring out how I can make a mouslook camera, but it always fails, even when the logic brick are the same included the scripts, it always don’t work. So could someone help me to create a mouselook, did someone made a tutorials for it, or has someone a good simple blender source. I’ll hope someone can help me figuring out how to do that. Greetz JD-multi
There are different ways to create mouse look. A lot ways are with python…
If somepeople post some ways how to create mouse-look, look for the
best… cuz some of the mouse-looks have this weird thing when u move
the mouse(it can make a 360 degree rotation)
Sorry but i’m not a expert on mouse-looks… Just gave u some advice…
I don’t think there is a way to do mouse look without python.
What I have seen is :
a script connected to the MouseMove actuator that plays with Rasterizer.setMousePosition and the sensor’s getXPosition and getYPosition
These are used to change properties in (usually two or more) objects, and then ipo actuators are triggered to rotate the camera around. There would be one object that rotates around the global vertical axis, and the other that rotates around the local horizontal (through the shoulders) axis.
There should be some tests done in a mouselook script that keep the camera from looking upwards too far, and looking backwards, and vice versa.
(I have my own camera script, but not that I will distribute now. There is the walkthrough demo to play with though)
If you set up your ipos to only contain the rotation you want, then you dont even have to check to stop the camera from rotating all the way around. You typically want to use an ipo for the verticle (the camera rotation) and have the horizontal motion control the players rotation (movement actuator). I use two seperate scripts, one on the camera and one on the dynamic actor I am using for the player.
Yeah, I know if I want to make a mouselook camera, I have to make ipo’s, (2) and find some phyton scripts, but I tried it many times, and it never works, so I think I’m doing something wrong, so I tought a tutorial or source could help. I’ll hope someone has a good source or could make a tutorial for me. I should be fantastic, even when I used the tutorial, and someone else ask how to do mouselook, you just can say," see this cool tutorial" I’ll hope someone has time to do this,
you know what? your absolutely right
i have no idea how i got my mouse rotation thing to work anymore… if i ever completely knew…
i had lizard809 do mine, its really nice and locks and 0-180 degrees.
i would like to see some tuturial out there… that would be nice.
sorry i cant really help u either
I will make a tutorial, but the python scripts aren’t mine…
so see ya all soon!
Yeah,thanks dude, cool, it doesn’t matter who’s scripts are used, I think you should do something great.
then you dont even have to check to stop the camera from rotating all the way around
No but, you have to check to stop the value of the prop thats setting the ipo’s frame…
and then ipo actuators are triggered to rotate the camera around.
You typically want to use an ipo for the verticle (the camera rotation)
I have to make ipo’s, (2)
No! No! Noooooooo! Why use ipo’s? It’s much better to use real motion and use orientation to limit the vertical rotation it’s really simple!
EDIT: if anyone is interested you can download my MouseXY script here:
Woo hoo! finished the tute… I hope you’ll understand…
There is very much “Then”-s lol
Whoo, thanks man, now I the way to make ipo’s is no more, thanks you did great work. But I didn’t have time to try it, but on saterday I’ll try to make a mous-look, then I will post the belnd on this topic when finished. 8)
Hee Xintoc, I tried your tutorial, but with problems. I made it with Blender 2.25 and found some thinks that are wrong. First the up and down keys have a montion, and this motion was wrong wroten, You told you should choose the right block for Force, but when I do this the camera flies up and down. The next problem is, when I add al the logic brick, and make an ipo, and then test the whol;e work, the camer doesn’t turn to left and right but just rotate clockwise or clockback. Did you test it before uploading? I can post a blend saterday that shows the problems. I fixed the problem of the up and down motions but I can’t fic the left an right movement of the mouse. :-?
ok, my english is bad.
Here is example file to see what u did wrong, that u didn’t understand…
Heay, thanks, That file works, but what did I wrong? or didn’t understand? :-?
Holy Crud! Could I use your camera thingy? purty peaz? wit a chewwy on top? I mean the download… I could use the whole cam setup
Using the camera will be expensive to you… and If I say expensive I mean
you need to give me $2301.50 bucks… – Ok, I am just jokeing… sure
you can use it…
I’ve uploaded my 1ste person demo, it’s a little demo, just some trees, and statues, and using the camera which is made with the tutorial and source.
Yay! I may post something asking how to use joysticks or a steering wheel too… anyway, have fun all- DM Badfuz
I think you forgot to pack the textures… Or does it have any?