Mouse wheel zoom problem

I did a quick search, and didn’t find an answer to this. When I updated to Blender 2.42, it started doing this. I’ll be modeling along, and all of a sudden the zooming with the mouse wheel will stop working. Everything else seems to work fine- I can zoom just fine with the + and - keys, and I haven’t noticed anything consistant that I do right before it konks out that could be causing the problem.

Am I inadvertantly hitting some toggle key? Or is it maybe a faulty mouse or something?

Right now restarting the program fixes the problem temporarily.

You could be accidentally pushing the wheel down as a button…

Sorry cant help you with a solution, but I suspect it could be an intermittent bug, as I occasionally have the same problem myself. So far I haven’t been able to figure out if I did something to trigger it.
Regards Geoff

If you mean using the wheel as a MMB to rotate or pan the view, then that’s not it- I do that all the time. If you mean maybe I’m accidentally depressing the button while turning the wheel, it’s possible, but doubtful- unless maybe doing that screws things up, and causes the mouse wheel zoom to stop working. I’ll test that out. It could be that accidentally doing that once triggers the problem.

I never had a problem with this in previous versions of Blender. That’s why I’m wondering if it’s either some wierd bug, or maybe they added a toggle key that I’m accidentially hitting (like maybe depressing the wheel when turning it) or something like that.

I have the same problem on occasion. The only remedy for me when this happens is to re-start.

This happens to me to. I use Windows and a simple minimize and maximize to the explorer task bar fixes it for me, no need to restart.

This happens to me in a lot of programs actually, I generally have to switch focus off of the affected application and then switch back and my scroll wheel is good to go.

I too get this error that the wheel zoom stops working in many different computers in Windows and I’m not sure if it happens on Linux too but I think it does. The thing that seems to trigger it seems to be when you render. It usually happens after you render something, that’s the trigger, it just doesn’t happen always but very often, enough to be annoying. You can fix it by minimizing the main program windows and maximizing it again but It’s been in Blender for a long time. I have been using it for many, many versions and it has been there. It seems to have something to do with the main application window loosing focus after you render or something but I don’t know if it is necessarily related to that because when I click the main program window after rendering the wheel zoom it’s still gone but it definitely happens after rendering… a lot. I haven’t noticed it happening with anything else. I find it amazing that been such a constant error the Blender team has not fixed it yet. It’s been there for many versions. It’s time to fix it guys!

I have this problem too. I can even open other blend files and they will work. But once it happens on a file once that file will remain zoom free forever