i dont know what is going in the inside of the topology, so you may discard the extra loop added in the first picture if not supposed to hold any hard edge.
Well in short. Sure could you move that 3pole. But if you absolutely dont want to change the shape, then really, dont do it. 3 Poles and 5 Poles are just part of the game. And if its about the four bottom ones, they sit just fine there. Leave it as is.
I have a question myself. Is this a small pocket fan you’re modeling there? We have it lying around here, and I’ve seen it several times modeled now. Just starting to ask myself why everyone models it.
maybe i should have given more info - sorry - i want to subd this model to keep that selected edge with a nice bevel between the curvature and the flat space (which is what is going to exist in the empty space i posted in the first image.
so i’d like to move that pole away from the curvature and move it to the flat face.
i can change the topology and remove the poles by merging vertices, but if i want to keep the edges that exist, is there a way to move the pole to the flat surface?
because i can’t see how, without dissolving edges that define the curvatures! right?
@Debuk yup, it’s a small pocket fan - i don’t know why others are modelling it but i’m doing a bunch of models to put up for sale.
Once again, there’s no problem with that 3 pole there. And there is no shading issue arising from that. You’re making a typical begginer mistake to see them all as problem. Its not like that. Its a bad idea to move them to a flat area instead. They sit exactly right there.
i’m not talking about the 3-poles (selected in blue) - are you? (just to be sure i’m calling the poles by the right names!)
i’m talking about this 6-pole