Move object down slide

hello all, i am beginner and trying to play around with this, i know how to move things left right and keyframe etc, but how can i move something down a slide as in the inserted image and then have it smoothly go straight again.


Here is an example, but to work with you have to work trough some physic tutorials, here is one:

box_slide.blend (644.4 KB)

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thanks man, this helped alot but i have an issue, i imported a dae object and set the car with the same rigid physics as the cube in your file, but i cant get it to go down, it just explodes sort of with the wind.

please assist and advise.


car physics, thats not so easy, there is a lot to do and tweak, here is an video:

I recommed first to do this with a simple self made car like in the tutorial to understand what is needed and what happens.

rigletto i am trying to set this where when the cube touches the balls, the balls jiggle and shakes a bit if you can please assist a bit;

shake.blend (2.6 MB)

Physics dont work with array modifieres or general with modifieres that changes the mesh.

Create one Ball and test the physics, than copy the ball if you need more of them.
And set collision shape to sphere for the ball.

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ballmove.blend (3.6 MB)

I did but they dont seem to move, i joined them if that matter as it doesnt make sens eto have 50 balls as seperate objects, can you set a few things so i can get an idea, thanks sir.

i want them to just shake a little bit when the cube goes by them, not fly off the plane.

Dont join them, that did not work cause 1 object moves like 1 object, not like 50 seperate balls.
You can make a collection for the balls, select them and press M.

When they fly off, give them more weight, that should correct it.