Hi, I have a problem… A object (a man) is moved with the keyboard (it is easy), but the object must move hands, head, foot etc. The question is… when the object is moving (Ipo) and user push a key… the object is not move (only IPO is on)
Than you
I hope you understand it (I don´t know speak English well)
Well… I think don´t understand me… I wanted: user move the object (action… I can do this… it is easy) but the object have parts and i want to move it… you think… A man with hand, head… User push up and the object move but don´t move the parts from body (bones). I want move it.
Can be, I don´t understand you… please Would can you explain better?
Correct me if I am wrong, but are you saying that you want the arms and head to move when you move the character, or are you saying that you want the arms to move seperatly, the head to move seperately, etc.?
ok… the object (all body) must move in the space (xyz) but the arms have a movement (when we walk) or the thigh and shin have other movement (we move the body when walk)
that is what it should do. the loc function locks the position in relation to 0,0 and the rot is relative to it rotation around it’s focus point. for a walking animation you cannot use loc only rot, other wise it will stay in the same spot.