Moveable rotation pivot of a bone

Hi guys,

I am currently trying to do some acrobatic animations involving flips. To make the rotation look realistic i need to change the pivot of rotation for the whole rig mid animation according to its pose (arms stretched above the head equals higher center of gravity/mass equals higher pivot). I have tried using the pivot bone constraint but it doesn’t seem to work properly. Do you guys have any suggestion on how to do this?


That’s a difficult issue!

Check out Humane Rigging, Chapter 5, Videos 6 & 7.

Also another thing that you can do is add a separate bone to your rig that is parented to the root and just hangs out. Then in pose mode you can put it wherever you want, and use the “active element” pivot point option to rotate around it. It’s cumbersome, but the active element pivot point option is probably the most flexible.

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Thanks, guys! I guess i will try the method with the active element. I was hoping there was an easier way.

here is a nice trick

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