lots of people have been saying that this was in the wrong forum thread. and sorry about not talking about dates.
this is tyler johnson and i am a young cg artist who is looking for people of any level of expertise to join me to make a scifi/fantasy or in-between film. This will be with actors. motion tracking with voodoo or icarus that is.
Things i can do: motion tracking, VFX, model, animate, write, and draw
Software i use:Blender 2.49-2.55, Autodesk Maya, voodoo, matchmover, Composite, and icarus.
who i will need: motion trackers, Artists, animators, Writers (if they want there input) modelers, texturers.
As i said before this is going to be film with actors so it wont be completely with actors.
please contact me via
skype:lerty716 email:[email protected]
hope we have fun guys!
This is nothing speacial just trying to have fun with cg, hone thier skills and acomplish somthing that was not only the above but to have the very powerful team of cg artist make somthing that is big.
if you want to see my past work youtube 716ryu (no spaces)
I really don’t mean to sound negative when i say this, but…what makes your project special?
why should I (or any other cgartist) want to put hard work and effort into your project?
what’s the benefit for us here?
these aren’t rhetorical questions. Show us why we’d want to help you out.
There are tons of other projects out there, many of which have paid positions. and let’s not forget that we have our own personal projects we’d like to work on too…
This site sees dozens of these ‘lets make a movie’ threads every year. These are almost always started by inexperienced people who don’t realize how over-ambitious their project is. I’ve never actually seen those sorts of projects get anywhere close to finished.
Again, i’m not trying to sound negative…i’m just saying you’ll have a real hard time finding people wanting to join unless you do a better job advertising your project to us.
I agree with Jeepster. My suggestion is to make a good short movie on your own to prove you can do it and you have what it takes, then come back, say “hey, lookit!” and possibly get more people involved to make a bigger one.
Motion trackers are software. It is the whole idea that it is automated and if you use a CAHV camera you barely need to do anything at all.
and IMO animators, writers, modelers and texturers ARE artists.
Beyond that I looked up your past work, they tell nothing about any of your skills or the project at all.
And if you make a video call for team members you might not want to make it look like you woke up on sunday, ran down your parents livingroom and recorded a random video using words like “maybe” and “don´t know” in a project description… doesn´t make it sound too well thought out.
I´d really suggest you do some project planning before pulling of such a gig.
And I can tell you the “let´s just get together and develop” idea doesn´t work. You need plan and someone needs to be the boss.
you know i got alot of people who are helping such as actors and other people who are coming together and i believe that this can be a well organized “gig”. not only that but just because i cant talk very well on the camera cuz i have autism doesn’t mean you can mess with my beliefs. so please only people who want to say nice things please share
Most people can´t talk very well in front of a camera, thats why the whole world uses teleprompters and why there are only a few good live moderators =D
You could have planned ahead, and written your call for a team down and read it.
Yeh and sorry to hear you´r autistic but I couldn´t care less.
For all I care you could be a pegleged gay black nazi communist member of the KKK pacifist movement for poodle rights, it would not change the facts that to the rest of the world your call looks like this:
no script
no planning
no references
no experience
no compensation
unappealing video call
It has nothing to do with nice or not. If you only want to hear what a good idea all is and how great you´r doing your project is destined to fail anyways - it´s not how it works.
It´s not that we hate you or your idea, hell for that i´d had to know you, rather we try to help.