movie post processing?

Are there apps somewhere which can do post processing for movies for you, like adding some blur and noise etc…
Or how else could it be done? (except from rerendering frame by frame, and pp’ing the frame by frame)

Virtualdub has some filters that can be used as plugins. Other than that, the only other one I know of is Adobe After Effects & Premiere, but those are expensive pieces of software.


Try this thread. There are some video editors and some other useful stuff too. All free.

What about just using blender’s internal, pluggable video editor?

yEAH, but if u have alota money, use AE!!! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

VideoMach is free for non-commerical use and has a number of video filters. I use it all of the time for quickly slapping together huge series of .tga images into an AVI.

i remember seeing a blender reel sorta thing of someones work around here at one point. I believe he used Cinelerra (I think thats what its called) and he seemed to get pretty good results…

I think its only for linux tho. So much for us windoze users :frowning:
