Movie Project

Ok dont know if this is the right spot to post this so excuse me if its not. I am looking for people who may want to come together and work on animations. kind of like the orange project. I have a guy that writes pretty good scripts, and i can animate but my modelling sucks. anyone wanna start up a movie project?

Pardon me, I’m just going to go and hide in the basement until this thread blows over.

Arachai - Just wait, you’ll see what I mean!

Move over ammusionist. Is there room down there for me?

Arachai… take a loot at these…

and especially this one…

Yep, that’s the magic one.

wow, that was fast, Andy basically summed it up. Hey, listen man, I too am working on a short (George and Steve - check the link), but I never requested help. You will be surprised at what you can do with help from the general community. Like you say your modeling sucks, well post pics and we will help you improve it. Show us what you got, and let the whole lot of us do our part. Trust me on this one. I mean hey, its not like your trying to make another ED (thank god… sorry andy), If that were the case then you are going about this all wrong.

ill post some images of my characters in the unfinished projects area. Thanks for the advice everyone.